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Our Team

Our Team

Our team consists of some of the most highly trained professional in terms of learning and development having an experience of more than 10 years in the field of learning and development Their journey with new pattern and strategies to equip the candidate with fun while learning techniques makes learning atmosphere highly impactful and effective. We do not limit our focus on teaching and training but nurture the candidates with continuous coaching and mentoring till they are fully equipped and empowered with skill and confidence.
The training eco-system curriculum designed has diverse programmes which enables Neuro Linguistic Programme learning based modules to enhance learning in a faster and easy manner.
This advanced technology has proved the learning in a gamified way of training and development which makes learning advanced and fun-filled. We have tried and tested on most of the candidates where learning was fruitful and result were highly satisfying.
Our small team works closely with all the candidates and focus closely on weaker candidates to bring them to a platform where they can stand confidant and equipped.
Under the guidance of our Founder Yash Gurung and Director Sunitha Ramesh we have established a highly effective and efficient team. The Agileskill operation is headed & managed by team of expert training professionals who is assisted by trainers and coordinators for various operating pattern of training.